Hujan Salju


1. Definition of HRM
Human resource management is a process of dealing with the various issues on the scope of the employee, employees, workers, managers and other workers to be able to support the activities of the organization or company to achieve its intended purpose.

2. The importance of HRM in the organization
HRM is a central factor in an organization. Whatever the shape and purpose, the organization is based on a variety of visions for the benefit of man and in the execution of its mission is managed and maintained by humans. Thus man is a strategic factor in all the activities of the institution / organization.
To achieve its vision, mission, and goals are certainly people should have kompetensikarakteristik values ​​are:
1. Motive, what consistently thinks or desires that cause action. What is encouraging, and selected behaviors that lead to a particular activity or purpose.
2. Trait , physical characteristics and reactions that are consistent with the situation or information.
3. The concept of self , attitude, values ​​of the people.
4. Knowledge, which is an individual's information in a specific field. Knowledge is a complex competencies. Usually the knowledge test measures the ability to choose the most correct answer, but could not see if someone can do the job based on its knowledge that.
5. Skills , the ability to be able to perform the duties of certain physical and mental.
Nevertheless, the role of human resource that can be in sync with the vision, mission, goals and expectations of the organization's human resource selah one should be able to make adjustments to the development of an increasingly komppetitive organization.

3. The challenges of modern HRM
A. External Challenges

a. The rapid change of business environment.
For this purpose the company in the face of changing environmental / climate of rapid business, need to set HR policy as follows:
Avoid negative effects in the form of feelings of dissatisfaction on the condition that the company has achieved.
In the face of changes that require additional financing (cost), the company should try to overcome, in order to maintain market / profit has been achieved.
High enough reward to workers who are capable of creative improvisation.

 b. Globalization
From the point of HRM means necessitate efforts to anticipate the following:
Companies should try to have the human resources to overcome the influence of the development of business / economic institutions such as the recession, decrease / increase value for money.
Companies should try to have a human with the ability to participate in global business / international free trade.

c. Government Regulation
Every company should have a human resources capable of making decisions and policies and even perform business operations, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the government. It required human resources that have the ability to direct the company to avoid a situation of conflict, anxiety / nervousness, complain, and more particularly of workers with or without the participation of trade unions.

e. Progress of work and family roles
The more the husband and wife are working, so often there is trouble to be responsible for an optimal, since most of the time is used to carry out their responsibilities within their families.

f. Skilled Labor Shortage
More skilled labor is needed, both to carry out technical work, as well as for managerial jobs and services, which is not easy to get competitive amongst available in the labor market.

B. Internal Challenges
a. Position in Business Competitive Organization
To realize the organization / company competitive, various HRM activities that can improve human resource capabilities. The effort was to do with designing a reward system that is able to motivate the ongoing competition among the workers performance.

b. Flexibility
Organization / company requires the development of a decentralized system that promotes the delegation of authority and responsibility in stages. Flexibility is also related to the use of labor, by reducing the tendency of lifting regular workers (permanent employees). The appointment should be more focused on the use of temporary labor (not fixed).

c. Workforce Reduction
HR management of a company is often faced with having to reduce the massive labor, for various reasons, such as resessi, reduced business activity, etc., should be addressed by improving the structure of the lower-level line workers, to redesign the production process .

d. Restructuring Challenges
The challenge of restructuring is an attempt to adjust the structure of the organization / company because it made the expansion or addition and subtraction as well otherwise its business activities.

e. Small Business
Small businesses as noted above consists of many subsidiaries, which are dependent on the product form of goods or services produced as the embodiment of net work (networks) in business, as companies large / giant spread in many locations.

f. Organizational Culture
Corporate culture will color and result in behavior or activities of the operational business, which would be a force unwittingly yangmampu or kelangsung not guarantee the existence of the organization / company.

g. Technology
Technological challenges are not simply linked to financing (cost), because to do related to HR management must provide a skilled workforce to use it, both from outside and through the development of manpower in the organization / company.
On the next turn the technological challenges associated with the development also received a change of attitude in work.

h. Unions
With the cooperation of the company / organization should at least try to make the union does not become an obstacle to the production process, as opposed to not menempatkanya.

4. Peeran, functions, and responsibilities of managers in the organization / company
1. Preparation and selection labor / Preparation and selection
a. Preparation
In the process of preparation done planning human resource requirements by determining the range of work that may arise. What you can do is to do the estimate / forecast will vacant job, the amount, timing, and so forth.
There are two factors to be considered in the preparation, ie internal factors such as the number of new employees' needs, organizational structure, departments, and others. External factors such as employment law, labor pasa conditions, and so forth.
b. Workforce recruitment / Recruitment
Recruitment is a process to find a candidate or candidates employee, employees, workers, managers, or new workers to meet the needs of HR oraganisasi or company. In this phase, the existing job analysis are necessary to create a job description / job description and job specifications / job specification.
c. Selection labor / Selection
Selection labor is a process of finding the right labor of many existing or prospective candidates. The initial phase needs to be done after receiving the applicant is looking at your resume / cv / curriculum vittae applicant belongs. Then from cv applicants do sorting the applicants to be called by that fail to meet the standards of the job. Then next is to call candidates elected to do a written test exam, a job interview / interview and other selection processes.

2. Development and evaluation of employees / Development and evaluation 
Labor working in an organization or company must master the job duties and responsibilities. It required a briefing that the existing workforce can be more controlled and experts in their respective fields and to improve existing performance. That way the process of development and evaluation of employees is very important from an employee at a low level or high.

3. Provide compensation and protection of employees / Compensation and protection 
Compensation is a reward for employee contributions on a regular basis of the organization or company. Compensation is very important and adapted to labor market conditions that exist in the external environment. Compensation that does not comply with the conditions of the existing workforce can lead to problems later in life or may cause harm to the organization or company. Protection also needs to be given to workers to carry out their work quietly so that the performance and contributions of workers can keep up from time to time.

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